
Revoke Access

Revoke Access

Social accounts have settings that list which apps can connect to the account. When you connect a social account to Postglance, the Postglance app gets authorised in these settings as a connected app. Remove Postglance from these settings to revoke its access to your social account. Revoke Postglance’s access from a social account if you no longer need to manage it with Postglance. If an account hasn’t yet been removed from Postglance, revoking will disconnect it.

Revoke Postglance access to your Twitter account

1. Sign in to Twitter using this link: 2. Select Postglance, and then Revoke app permissions.

Revoke Postglance access to your Facebook account

1. Sign in to Facebook using this link: 2. Select the box beside Postglance. 3. Select Remove.

Important: Revoking Facebook access disconnects any Facebook groups and Pages your profile is administers of, and any Instagram Business profiles linked to those Pages.

Revoke Postglance access to your YouTube account

1. Sign in to Google using this link: 2. Select Postglance and then select Remove Access.

Revoke Postglance access to your LinkedIn account

1. Sign in to LinkedIn using this link: 2. Select Remove beside Postglance.

Revoke Postglance access to your Instagram account

1. Sign in to Instagram using this link: 2. Select Remove beside Postglance.

Revoke Postglance access to your Pinterest account

1. Sign in to Pinterest using this link: 2. Select Revoke Access beside Postglance.

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